Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Stay to the left

I think I'm finally starting to get comfortable with driving on the left. It has been a difficult transition that has called for a lot of talking to myself while driving. Most commonly used phrase in this one-man conversation: "stay to the left, stay to the left, stay to the left". To add to the confusion, imagine consistent roundabouts across the Island, scooters passing left and right and tourists going the wrong way...this is the crazy place I now call home. When I'm in the circle, stay out of my way people!

Even though I have learned to stay to the left when driving, I realized the other day that I have not carried this through in my other actions. Last night when I pulled my shopping buggy to the right of the isle in the grocery store, I was actually in the persons way! And, when passing people in the street, I go to the wrong side. My goal for the rest of the week is to stay to the left in all I do!

In other news - how about this inauguration? Has everyone missed their fav shows this week due to coverage or what? I do realize that this is a historical moment in time, however, does anyone feel like it's gone a little too Hollywood? I actually felt more emotional finding out the results on election day than watching the star studded, glitzy, week long inauguration. Has it become more about the stars and fashion? Is it necessary? I feel like I'm watching the Oscars. Do we need to know that "Michelle is so real - she wears J.Crew" do I, but they don't broadcast it on CNN. What about the concert? Even though I'm Canadian, I'm down with a little 'Born in the USA'...but Shakira? Why? Is she even American? Does it matter that Puff Daddy didn't have front row? Just throwing it out there kids!

It would be interesting to go back in time and see which of these stars were at the Bush inauguration with his face plastered on their t-shirts. Eh?