Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mattress Money

I'm just going to throw it out there....What is it with seniors and stashing their cash?

I came across a story on that grabbed my attention this morning (I know! Of all the news available..). Anyway, it's about a woman who surprised her elderly mother with a new mattress. She thought she was doing good but throwing away the ratty old mattress, until her mother told her she had her life savings of over $1M stashed away in it!

So, seriously, again I ask, what is with seniors and stashing their money? I know my great-grandmother used to do the same thing! The funny little lady used to hide it everywhere - from teapots to planter boxes! She really didn't trust the bank....maybe we shouldn't either?

The story as per

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- It was supposed to be a pleasant surprise, but turned into the shock of a lifetime.
A woman in Tel Aviv, Israel, gave her elderly mother a new mattress as a surprise gift, throwing out the old tattered bed her mother had slept on for decades. The gesture ended up bankrupting Annat's mother, who had stuffed her savings of nearly $1 million inside her old bed for decades, Annat told Israel Army Radio.

A massive search is under way at the city dump, where security has been beefed up to keep out treasure-seekers who have heard Annat's story in Israeli media.

Annat, who did not want to reveal the rest of her name, told Israel Army Radio that she woke up early Sunday to get a good deal on a new mattress as a surprise for her mother.

She fell asleep that night, exhausted after lugging up the new mattress and hauling down the old one to be taken out with the trash. When her mother realized the next day what her daughter had done, she told her that she had been using the mattress to stash away her life savings and had nearly $1 million padding the inside of the worn-out mattress.

Annat ran downstairs, but it was too late. The garbage truck had already taken away the money-stuffed mattress. Annat alerted the two major dump sites in the Israeli city in an effort to locate the bed, but so far she has had no luck. Yitchak Burba, one of the dump site managers, told Army Radio that he and his men are working relentlessly to try to help Annat find the million-dollar mattress among the tons of garbage at the landfill.

The publicity has triggered a wave of people also trying to find the mattress and its contents for themselves. Burba has increased security around the dump to keep them out. Annat told Army Radio that when her mother realized her queen-sized bank had been tossed, she told her to "'leave it.'"

"'The heart is crying but you know we could have been in a car accident or had a terminal disease,'" Annat said her mother told her. Annat is also taking the situation in stride.

"It's a very, very sad story but I've been through worse," she told Army Radio. "It's a matter of proportions in life ... people need to know how to accept the good and the bad in life."

Monday, June 8, 2009

Jon & Kate + 8 = Big ol' mess!

Poor Jon & Kate + Eight. I used to really like this show....watching all the little kiddies grow up and being an observer of the daily challenges that come with having eight kids!

At times Kate seemed a little over powering in the household, but I think anyone would go a little nuts on a daily basis if you were trying to take care of all those children! I don't really blame her, although I do admit she does go a bit over the top at times. I also think Jon seems like a good Dad, but sometimes a bit lazy. That would frustrate me too! Regardless of my feelings for Jon or Kate, I don't think either of their parenting skills could be at fault for the way this whole thing has turned out... from divorce rumours to child service claims. Seems like they are always in the news...even "Kate pumping gas" has made headlines!

I think Jon & Kate were really struggling in the beginning and didn't know how they would support the demands of such a large family. I'm sure the show would have seemed like an attractive prospect to anyone in that situation. Also, the crew has been in their home for four years! I'm sure those extra helping hands were convenient, and would have been welcomed by any large family.

What I want to know is when did Kate go from housewife to glamazon? It seems like some of this has gone to her head! What about on the season premier how Kate said that Jon had "made decisions that they all had to live with." The words she used made me believe he actually did have an affair on her, when I was not convinced from all the tabloid coverage. That episode actually made me sad. It wasn't the usual upbeat show it was in the past. I also didn't like how they filmed the kids saying "Daddy, I don't want you to leave again."

The question is, for a struggling family of eight kids and two parents, do you think they would be happier if they never did the show and didn't have all this fame and money? I'm not sure? I think they would have been in an equally stressful situation if this opportunity had not arose.

PS If they have all these bucks now, I wish Kate would visit some high end hairdresser and fix that do! Arrrff!

PPS The little guy with the glasses is my fav!