Monday, June 7, 2010

Will You Accept This Rose?

It's that time again! Another season of the Bachelorette! Yes!!!

I have to say, I'm not liking Ali as much as Gillian, but of course I will still watch and love it!

As per usual, I would like to submit my top picks for the record!

MY TOP GUYS .....dreamy!

Frank: Dorky and a cutie! For sure making it close to the end! He seems pretty into Ali. I heart Frank.

Chris L.: I think his story is sweet and he seems like a really genuine guy. I like him! I think she digs he's from Cape Cod. However, I thought it was strange that he said his parents were "together" on the first episode, instead of telling her that his mother passed away. Given, there is not much time, and he couldn't go into a lot of detail....just a bit odd.

Hunter: Although I don't think he will make it to the end, he seems sweet. I thought the little song he played Ali on the first episode was pretty cute, when I normally would have found it quite cheese!

And now, here are the dudes I'm not overly fond of, but that she seems to be keeping around...

DUDES ALI LIKES THAT I DON'T (yes, there are a lot of them!)

Roberto: Sorry Robby, I'm just not that into you.

The Weather Man: Firstly, ??! Secondly, what a tattle tale and a cry baby!! You know his network is totally replaying the scenes of him in the mankini! Totally overcast with a high probability of awkward!

Kirk: Sorta strange and I'm not warming up to ya brotha!

Kasey: I feel really bad. I can't understand anything he says.

Justin: Sorry, you don't get to use the "I'm injured" card with me.

Craig R.: Dorky and please don't wear v-neck t-shirts anymore. EVER!


Chris N: Where the heck did you get from?

Steve: I see you now and then.....thought you were part of the crew!

So, that's it. What do you think?

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