On Friday once again I returned back from an extended stay in sunny paradise to a 'welcome home' snowstorm...not sure who planned that but it made for quite a turbulent and unpleasant flight! I had such a great time with my family and the tropical weather was also pretty nice!
So after a week of sunning, spa-ing, dining, shopping and visiting (pretty much feeling like I was in a week long music video) it's back to reality…yuck. I'm not exactly sure what's happening with the weather but the snow banks on either side of our driveway are so high I can't see if any cars are coming when I back out onto the road. This is getting ridiculous. I signed up for Toronto not Antarctica. In any case I'm looking forward to spring!
On a random note there is something that I saw on television today that I found pretty disturbing. It was a commercial to ensure parents encourage their kids to become more active or they could age faster than normal. Okay - I understand this…However, the commercial showed four 8 year old kids in a nursing home pretending to be seniors playing bingo when one stands up and says "I gotta go...hemorrhoids”… wait a second – did that kid just say hemorrhoids??!! Forget the child obesity for a second - I'm more concerned with the crazed parents that actually let their kids participate in such commercials. I bet this kid has been getting made fun of more than William Hung after his American Idol ‘she bangs’ performance. Not to mention the poor little 11 year old bugger that's on the commercial letting us know he can’t stop wetting the bed. Wake up people – obese children are not the issue – it’s the kooky parents who want to make a buck and would sacrifice their kids to do so. I expressed my concern over this with Jimmy and while talking about random concerns he wanted me to address the crazy folk that go to Sherway to sleep in the leather chairs in the middle of the mall...not just naps...full out drooling sleep....I think that's another entry all together.
PS: You often hear of people being in 'the wrong place at the wrong time' but no situation could be as bad as the one my poor little rooster friend got himself into. We were downtown in Cayman when we came across this unfortunate and confused chicken right in front of the doors to KFC! I had to snap a picture. Poor little guy...danger: run away!
* My Aquarium is not responsible for any long term or permanent mental or physical distress these pictures may cause
Oh Holly, that is just too funny. I remember seeing all of those wierd bathing beauties at the time and laughing. My favorite is the unfortunate rooster!!! I was by there today and saw another one hiding under the table outside KFC. Silly birds!
hols...you are too much mumsie and i are laughing at your cayman paprazzi beach moments. too funny. as for the old peeps commercials...frankly...i love em! they are too hilarious...i like the one where the kids asks if his buddy is going to the dance on friday and he says, "no im prepping for a colonscopy" too funny....im a fan.
I find that most men who wear speedo's should go all out, and invest in a support bra-bathingsuit top for their dreamy spansex swimwear ensamble.
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