Thursday, June 26, 2008

"Good for you"

So, we were out for dinner last Saturday at "One" in Yorkville for Jimmy's Birthday. We had such a good meal and I was stuffed. If you know me, I'm a sucker for dessert. I not only ordered a dessert - but the trio! Nobody else had anything. As the waitress took orders around the table of no's she finally got to me. I placed my order and she responded with "Good for you". Once I finished my trio, everyone at the table said "Good for you", and when I was at a work going away party yesterday having a piece of cake loaded with icing a co-worker said "Good for you".

Ok - have you actually taken a minute to think about what this phrase means? In the cases described above, why would you say "Good for you"? Did they think I was being a pig or did they genuinely think that it was good I was eating all these fatty foods? Were they mad that I was? Did they really want to try it too? What is the deal behind this phrase? Is it malicious or well intended - I don't know. All I know is that I enjoyed my desserts but felt a little guilty after and that the "Good for you's" were loaded responses. I have noticed that "Good for you" is usually shared over food. Does anyone else find this weird?!

I'm hereby making an effort not to say "Good for you" - and when someone says it to me I'm asking what exactly they mean by it because I'm not even sure they know!

PS I have big big big news in the works so stay tuned...although I'm sure most of you already know!!

PPS It does not involve changing diapers just yet!

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